The Kamps House

Saturday, November 9, 2013

It's been way to long since my last post. We have lots of new things happening around here and are very excited to share them.

First and for most....WE FINALLY CLOSED ON THE KAMPS HOUSE!!!!!! YAY!!!! :) :). Can you tell I'm excited? It was a very long and sometimes dramatic few months getting this closing done but we now have closed and own two houses.....yay?!?!? 

Second....This now means that we get to start remodeling The Kamps House. There's an endless list of things that need to be done before we can move in. Good thing making lists is one of my favorite things to do ;). 

Third......It will soon be time to say goodbye to my Hudsonville house :(. This is the house that my son has lived in since he was two. It's where I brought both of my girls home, from the hospital, to. I bought this house when I was 19 years old!!! Crazy right?? I have put my blood, sweat, and many tears into this house....I love this house and will be very sad to say goodbye. 

Four.....The main reason that I started this blog was to document our journey in Setting Up the Kamps house, all of our DIY projects, thrifting, Decoration, and Homesteading.It is my hope that it  help you out in some part of your life and inspire you to create something of your own.     

Thank you in advance to all the people that will be helping us in this adventure we love you and couldn't do it without you.  


The first thing that we did was start our orchard. The Outlaw got a killer deal on peach and apricot trees at TSC so this is the start of our orchard.

Everyone pitched in and help plant their own tree.

We had a trick-or-treat event before we did this, and there was no way we were getting her to take that off :)

This picture was taken by an 10 year old..... not bad!
The Kamps House 

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