Free Friday

Friday, September 20, 2013

Yay!!!! It's Friday that means the Cowboy comes home today from working out of town and I have the day off fun fun!!! Did a lil shopping but more importantly pick out a crazy cute outfit to shop in :)

My jeans were an awesome find at Marshall's $10.00 I have been looking for a pair like this for awhile now. I wanted a pair of Jbrand babe jeans but the $120.00 isn't really in my budget right now. But this is the closest I have found to them and they were $10.00 can't bet that!!! My shirt is from kohl's last season. 

My hair in a sox bun which is super easy and looks oh so cute. I do have a few extensions in so maybe next time I do this hair style I will take a few pic of how I do it so you an try it yourself. 

Have a great weekend xoxoxo

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